Temperature-Hot-Spots on the kiln-shell give informations about defects of the kiln brick lining. Low-temperature zones within the brick lining range of the sinter zone permit conclusions on beginning of caking inside the rotary cement kiln.
Recognition and visualization of Hot spots and beginning caking-rings
- Integration of the measured values into a primary Control system
- Thermal kiln-shell monitoring on rotary kilns with infrared line camera
Components of the IR-OMT:
- High efficient infrared line cameras for rough industrial environment
- Robust housing with heating and cooling
- Industrial control cabinet for the camera supply
- PC system with integration into the customized control system
- Software „IRT KilnMonitor “for the monitoring, evaluation and analysis
Features (choice):
Several kilns
Representation and processing up to 4 kilns per evaluation unit.
Bricks and coating thickness calculation
Bricks and coating thickness is estimated using the actual kiln shell temperatures and the kiln development history stored in the database.
If a Hotspot in the infrared image develops, this is put out in accordance with their coordinates at the kiln shell and as zoom shot picture. This Hotspot is then represented in a trend representation in dependence of the temperature rise. External blower fans could be place targeted and controled by the „IRT KilnMonitor-Software.
Worst case” image
Image that shows maximum temperature at every kiln shell spot over some selectable period of time.
On-screen display, beeper, external hardware alarms and OPC alarms;
Kiln state (scanned infrared image, bricks and coating thickness, alarm state) is continuously recorded in a database.
Client-server model
Server is the computer collecting data from the scanners. Client is any computer in the local network (or as an option – in the Internet).
- Pyroelectric sensor with drift stability
- Multi-camera solution also for in-house rotary kilns
- During multi-camera solution no shadowing, no additional pyrometers necessarily
- Line string with lens optics (maintenance-poor, high life span)
- Optimized measuring line by the use of objectives, optimum tuning on the rotary kiln
- Small absorption of H2O (water vapour or fog) in the measuring wavelength 8 – 14 µm
- Network-able by fast ethernet interface